January 20, 2025
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According to the “threat assessment report 2023” created by the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST), Pakistan constituted a danger to Norway since it may use unethical means to get information about the technology, according to a report by the Greek news website Directus. Pakistan has the unpleasant distinction of being included on the list of nations that represent a serious danger to Norway, according to the threat assessment report.

Regarding the spread of sensitive technologies, Norway is seen to be under danger from Pakistan. The Greek journal claims that Norwegian companies, researchers, and research institutions have the expertise and technology needed to create cutting-edge weaponry and weapons of mass devastation.

Norway produces oil and has significant experience in industries that are connected to it, such as the marine industry, therefore it has significant knowledge in the area of cutting-edge subsea technology. According to the Directus, Pakistan may use two strategies to promote sensitive technology. On the one hand, it will station its researchers at Norwegian educational and research institutions in order to smuggle sensitive technology into Pakistan for use in weapons system development projects. On the other hand, it will attempt to get through Norwegian export control laws to acquire Norwegian technology that is prohibited from being purchased due to Western sanctions or under Norwegian export control laws.

One of the three official threat and risk assessments produced during the first quarter of every year is the PST’s national threat assessment. The Norwegian National Security Authority and Norwegian Intelligence Service both release the last two. Norway’s domestic security agency is called PST. Its primary responsibility is to look into and stop significant offenses that pose a danger to national security. Identifying and evaluating risks connected to intelligence, sabotage, the proliferation of WMDs, terrorism, and extremism are included in this. Directus recommended that the Norwegian government educate its businesses about Pakistan’s malicious plans for getting critical technologies. If Norwegian authorities wish to prevent important technology from slipping into the wrong hands, stricter export laws and thorough surveillance of research academics from Pakistan are urgently needed.

According to this article, China seems to have a “all-weather” buddy in Pakistan. Formerly listed as the top threat to the nation by the Dutch Annual Intelligence Report, Pakistan is now included on the list of nations that seriously endanger Norway.