March 3, 2025
Screenshot 2023-05-31 115950

Despite the installation of 100 MW of power in the city, according to Pakistani alternative media Daily Qudrat, people in Gwadar do not have access to it for even 3 hours a day.

Pakistan’s Daily Qudrat is an Urdu daily.

The Balochistan National Party (BNP) Chief and Pakistani Prime Minister inaugurating a 100 MW electrical plant, according to an Urdu publication, was a joke on the residents of Gwadar.

Even basic needs like access to water have been denied to people. The leader of Haq-Do-Tehreek, Maulana Hidayat Ur Rehman, made these remarks at the Gwadar greeting ceremony.

“I forgive the district administration for filing hundreds of FIRs against me, including the violence done to me,” the man stated. “But I will never forgive the violence on my mothers, and sisters, including the women and elders in Gwadar.” With the exception of Section 9C, he said that all the portions of the law book had been unfairly used against political workers like us.

“Today, I salute all the soldiers who gave their lives in the line of duty, but I must say regretfully that some people have tortured women, as well as our mothers and sisters, in Gwadar,” Rehman stated. They damaged their reputation.

He reportedly said that “Today they are deprived of basic human facilities like water and electricity.” according to Daily Qudrat. He said that while political activists fighting for constitutional rights are being held in jail, robbers, dacoits, illegal trawlers, and drug traffickers have free reign.