February 12, 2025

 LAHORE – Former PM Imran Khan again thundered that the army chief be selected on “merit” and that “thieves” should never be allowed to un­dertake the task

Since his ouster from the top office, Imran has consistently demand­ed that a date for “fair and free” snap elections be provided, otherwise, he would take to the streets against the in­cumbent government.

The PTI had attempt­ed a long march to Is­lamabad in May which was clamped down upon and suppressed by the police. Last week, Imran renewed his demand for snap polls as he warned that the PTI’s patience was wearing thin.

He had hoped that the election announcement would be made before he unveiled plans for the fi­nal march on Islamabad. “I will give a call and we will get our country liberated in real terms,” he said on Wednesday in an address at a lawyer’s convention in Lahore. Imran’s announce­ment comes after the fed­eral government beefed up security arrangements in Red Zone areas of Islam­abad, saying that “some people were headed to­wards Islamabad to have their political demands ac­cepted”. In his address yes­terday, the PTI chief again said that those “issuing threats from unknown numbers” should be threat­ened back — something he had first mentioned in his speech in Chakwal on Mon­day. He criticised the in­cumbent government for its economic policies, say­ing the rupee had great­ly depreciated against the dollar and caused inflation and unemployment to soar. He alleged that while the poor people were suffering, the wealth of those in the government was increas­ing. Imran also bemoaned the rule of law and unequal application of justice in the country compared to West­ern countries. He said that in Western countries, no one received threats from unknown numbers and criticised the recent clamp down on some journalists who were thought to be pro-PTI. “The law enforce­ment agencies whose job is to implement the rule of law are the ones breaking the law and committing in­justice against the people.”