Experts note that the tightening birth control measures must be understood in the broader...
Here are the AP’s latest coverage plans, top stories and promotable content. All times...
It’s not every day that members of the Jewish and Muslim communities come together....
If we limit social gatherings with friends and family this Eid, we’ll be able...
Military says it struck the homes of Yehiyeh Sinwar, the most senior Hamas leader...
Police in Indian-controlled Kashmir said Saturday that 21 people were arrested for disturbing public...
A backlash against reports of forced labor and other abuses of the largely Muslim...
The practice of waking up before dawn for suhoor meals gave birth to several...
Qelbinur Sedik says Chinese authorities forcibly sterilised her as part of a systematic campaign...
A policewoman stands guard near a barrier with memorial flowers on April 26, 2021,...