The “Al Boraq,” Africa’s first express train, whizzes through Morocco’s coastal landscape at the...
Desk Team
Show caption Myles Garrett has a history of speeding. Photograph: Jacob Kupferman/AP Cleveland Browns...
The government claims that the Popular Front of India is funding terrorism, providing arms...
T HE VIOLENCE that erupted two weeks ago between Muslims and Hindus in the...
Recent weeks have been marked by tensions on the streets of Leicester between members...
The recent UK violence should serve as a wake-up call. Hindu nationalism is no...
‘I’ll do for Bury Park what Richard Curtis did for Notting Hill!’: a tour of Luton’s Muslim district
Show caption Sarfraz Manzoor and his tour group. Photograph: Christian Sinibaldi/The Guardian Walking ‘I’ll...
Abdulaziz Alenzy smiled when asked whether it’s possible to distinguish between Arabian leopards and...
Massachusetts Republican gubernatorial candidate Geoff Diehl speaks to reporters at his primary night victory...
Profile Giorgia Meloni, 45, wrapping up her campaign in Naples on September 23, 2022....