Islamabad, Pakistan:
Double-digit inflation in Pakistan leading to increasing prices of basic goods had already fuelled criticism against Imran Khan for failing to deliver on his promises of reviving the economy and creating an Islamist welfare state, reported the New York Times.
Losing the support of the military at a critical juncture when there was already growing discontent against his government further undercut the political stability of Imran Khan.
Notably, Imran Khan’s break with the military, which is said to have initially backed him in the 2018 elections, came when he tried to place Lt Gen Faiz Hamid in charge of the army despite the objections of the top brass.
Following this blow, the Opposition decided to move a no-confidence motion against him to oust him from power. With his allies and a few members of his own party siding with the Opposition, things turned more difficult for Khan who lost the majority in the National Assembly.
Though Imran Khan refused to relinquish power and blamed foreign powers, particularly the United States, for trying to topple his government and destabilise Pakistan, there is no evidence to support his claims, reported the media outlet.
With the rejection of the no-confidence motion in the National Assembly and the dissolution of assemblies by Pakistan President Arif Alvi, Imran Khan might have survived temporarily, however, it still remains to be seen if he is able to retain his power in the next elections which will be held within the next 90 days.